Luyining (Elaine) Gan

Distingushed Research Fellow
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications






Email: elainelastname at bupt dot edu dot cn

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Elaine Gan

Hi! I'm Elaine, a distingushed reseach fellow at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, and was a Postdoctoral Scholar of Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Nevada Reno. My Postdoc advisor is Prof. Raúl Rojas. I graduated with a PhD in Mathematics from Auburn University under the supervision of Prof. Tin-Yau Tam and Prof. Ming Liao in May 2020. I also obtained a master degree of probability and statistics at Auburn University in May 2019.

My research interests include Matrix Analysis, Extremal Graph Theory.

When I'm not working on research, I like playing tennis, scuba diving, travelling and photography. Some photos are showed in the Personal menu.

Math Journal Boards:


I was happy to be selected as one of the LAA Early Career Speakers for the 25th ILAS Conference to be held in Madrid on June 2023.

I was fortune to receive the AMS-Simons Travel Grant supported by Simons Foundation this year! This program aims to faciliate the research interaction and collaboration for the early-career mathematicians.

Our paper entitled "The decision problem for perfect matchings in dense hypergraphs" has been selected for presentation at the ICALP 2022 Track A. International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming ( ICALP is an academic conference organized annually by the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science. The conference was thematically split into two tracks on "Algorithms, Complexity and Games" (Track A) and "Automata, Logic, Semantics, and Theory of Programming" (Track B), corresponding to the two main streams of the journal Theoretical Computer Science.